To abstinen from things that could slow one life down or break you to nothing is the best choice anyone can make to improve his/her life.
Here is Afro/pop and Hip-co artist Faithvonic with her message on the topic SEX.
Cautioning everyone that there is a lot of sickness around claiming lives. But taking precautions will save a life from unintended pregnancy, STD, AIDS, Teenage pregnancy and a lot more.
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Emmanuel is an Information Technology professional with over eight years of progressive experience, I have worked effectively as the manager at Ed-Entertainment-Hub. Copywriting and blogging about engaging ideas in my spare time on things relating to music, entertainment, Lifestyle, and more. Let’s Linked up.
Jzyno keeps dropping classics. Enjoy this one he tagged "Profeh" Professor. We are sharing this…
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Late July this year, Cralor Boy CIC released a beautiful tune from his thirtieth Album,…