In the faith-filled streets of Monrovia, a powerful new anthem is resonating with believers across Liberia. “Proverbs 31,” the latest offering from gospel rapper Preacha Mann, is a musical celebration of the virtuous woman described in the biblical passage of the same name.
Drawing inspiration from the Scripture’s poetic verses, Preacha Mann crafts an uplifting tribute to the strength, dignity, and wisdom of the Proverbs 31 woman. His lyrical storytelling vividly paints a portrait of a woman who fears the Lord, cares for her family, and diligently pursues excellence in all she does. Featuring vibrant gospel artists such as Dreyke & Da’ King.

songs placed here are straight for promotional purposes only.
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Emmanuel is an Information Technology professional with over eight years of progressive experience. He’s the founder of Ed-Entertainment-Hub. He spends time copywriting on engaging ideas and things relating to Art, Music, support tips, lifestyle, and more.